Roman Occupation; Roman Britain Timeline

I have focused on the effects that Roman occupation has had on conquered lands.  First by examining primary texts and then reviewing other secondary sources.  Texts include works by Josephus, Tacitus, Mary Beard, David Mattingly, and Victor Hanson.  This blog focuses on answering the questions of what everyday life was like under Roman rule as conquered people, how Rome exercised its authority, and what any lasting effects of Roman imperialism may be.

From there, focus is shifted to modern imperialism concentrating on the British Raj and an examination of what could be called US imperialism. When examining these topics, Rome is used as a scale to measure the lasting effects of imperialism. Authors studied here include: Poesche, Goepp, Judd, and James.

Roman Britain Timeline

55 BC Julius Caesar's first invasion of Britain
54 BC Julius Caesar's Second invasion of Britain
5 AD Rome acknowledges Cymbeline king of Britain
43 AD Under Emperor Claudius, Romans invade: Caratacus leads the resistance
51 AD Caratacus is defeated, captured and taken to Rome
61 AD Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni rebels against Britain, but is defeated
63 AD Joseph of Arimathea's mission to Glastonbury
75-77 AD Rome's conquest of Britain is complete: Julius Agricola is Britain's Imperial Governor
80 AD Agricola invades Albion
122 AD Construction of Hadrian's Wall on the northern frontier
133 AD Julius Severus, Governor of Britain is sent to Palestine to fight rebels
184 AD Lucius Artorius Castus, the commander of the conscript troops in Britain leads them to Gaul
197 AD Clodius Albinus, Governor of Britain is killed by Severus in battle
208 AD Severus repairs Hadrian's Wall
287 AD Revolt by Carausius, commander of the Roman British fleet; He rules as emperor
293 AD Carausius is killed by Allectus, a fellow rebel
306 AD Constantine is proclaimed emperor at York
360's Series of attacks on Britain from the North from Picts, Scots (Irish), and Attacotti: Roman generals intervene
369 AD Roman general Theodosius drives out the Picts and Scots
383 AD Magnus Maximus (a Spaniard) is made emperor in Britain by the Roman troops: He leads his troops to conquer Gaul, Spain, and Italy
388 AD Maximus occupies Rome: Theodosius has Maximus beheaded
396 AD Stilicho, a Roman general and the acting regent, transfers military authority from Rome to Britain
397 AD Stilicho repels a Pictish, Irish and Saxon attack on Britain
402 AD Stilicho recalls a British legion to help with fighting at home
405 AD The British troops stay to fight another barbarian invasion of Italy
406 AD Suevi, Alans, Vandals and Burgundians attack Gaul, and break contact between Rome and Britain: Remaining Roman army in Britain mutinies
407 AD Constantine III named emperor by Roman troops in Britain: He withdraws the remaining Roman legion, the Second Augusta, to take it to Gaul
408 AD Devastating attacks by the Picts, Scots and Saxons
409 AD Britons expel Roman officials and fight for themselves
410 AD Britain is independent