In this blog I will be looking at genocide. Mostly looking at ancient genocide but also using those genocides to look at more modern examples.
Throughout this blog I have given a view on a few different Genocide both ancient and modern. In this I hope the reader to be able to get a full grasp on why genocide occurs, the different ways that it can occur, and hopefully therefore grasp some insight into how to stop genocide from ever occurring again. This is the goal of this blog and in reading will hopefully accomplish this for each reader.
im·pe·ri·al·ism –noun: The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. In this blog we will attempt to outline ideas about imperialism in ancient time while also taking into account more recent imperialism as well. From the ancients to modern day. The themes that will be studied at length are: genocide; effects of occupation on conquered nations; just war theory; and greed and conquest